Monday, July 11, 2011

Chambray & The Chicago Sun-Times

Want to hear something pretty schmancy?

The rest of the world is getting hip to the idea of alternative fibers when it comes to mens accessories like ties. Think tweed, denim, canvas... and chambray.

Last week in the Chicago Sun-Times, fashion director of Nordstrom's, Gregg Andrews,  talks about how to work with and style neck ties in a more current way, what to look for when shopping, and more.  Best of all, our chambray tie leads the pack! Remember it from here and here

Do us a solid and check out the article, and report back with what your favorite type neck tie of the non-silk tie variety. It may find its way into the upcoming product line up.


  1. CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you Rachel!

  2. Anonymous7/11/2011

    DOPE! Quite fancy of you Rachie.

    - med

  3. yes rachel!! getting it done!

  4. I see you over there, Rachel. Congratulations.

  5. Thanks all! Definitely appreciate the lovin' and support :)
